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Summary of Eastern knowledge experience

Summary of Eastern knowledge experience


Peepal Tree
I have come here today with some informative messages. The role here will be to study and reach out to your friends. I request you to share it as much as possible. Thank you.

Let's get some information first.

Ashwattha tree/ Sacred fig / Peepal Tree

(1) Who says I am the Peepal  in the trees?

     - Lord Krishna in the Gita.

(2) Under which tree did the Buddha acquire knowledge?


(3) What is a useful tree for sickness?


(4) What is the reason for making Chautari under Peepal tree?

    -Because it gives more oxygen and provides human service.

Regarding Yoga Pranayama: -

(1) Who is considered the pioneer of yoga?

    -Shiva, Garg Rishi, Patanjali Rishi, Gorakhnath.

(2) What is meant by yoga?

    - Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga Gyan Yoga.

(3) What are the three main meditations according to Hatha Yoga?

    -Sthuladhyana, Sukshmadhyana, Jyotirdhyana.

(4) Where did yoga begin?

    -From the Himalayan part of Nepal.

(5) Who proposed to celebrate International Yoga Day at the United Nations by interfering in the intellectuals of Nepal?

    -Indian PM Narendra Modi.

(6) What is gross meditation?

    - Attention to the material form.

(7) What is Sukshmadhyana?

    -Mattention of the element.

(8) What is Jyotirdhyana?

    -Meditation of emptiness (meditation of light)

(9) What happens when our body does not have enough oxygen?

    -Reduces the body's immunity.

(10) What should be done to increase oxygen (oxygen) in the body.

    -Daily pranayama.

(11) Normally, only one part of the three parts of our lungs is active.


(12) What are the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga? What does he say?

    (A) Yama - Asteya, Brahmacharya, Ahimsa, Satya and Satgraha.

    (B) Rules - defecation, contentment, penance, self-study, divine meditation.

    (C) Asana - Stability.

    (D) Pranayama - breath / dimension, inhale and exhale.

    (E) Withdrawal - Practice.

    (F) Meditation - to keep the mind steady.

    (G) To form an opinion.

    (H) Samadhi - Monotheism in God.

(13) What is the meaning of yoga?

    - To control the mind and unite it with God

(14) Whose picture should be inscribed on the yoga banner?

    - Picture of Shiva, Garg Rishi on the right and Patanjali Rishi on the left.

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